Tuesday, September 9, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


J. said...

okay. i'll never forget the blind date you set me up on and we went to bell's. and alot of my memories are of you conducting YW as laurel prez. i always looked up to you and still respect you heaps.

Sharon Wagoner said...

Hello, I got your blog from J. and I thought it was interesting that you guys moved to Argentina!! (I love their accents.. that is probably because I served my mission in Uruguay!!) Anyway I was wondering what sent you there? My hubby and I both speak spanish and he is wanting a job with the state department so we could live almost anywhere in the world. What is it like to live out of the country with your kids? What schools are your kids going to?

As for a memory... since this is an entry calling for memories... I remember playing church basketball with you and you getting fouled out or something and I was worried that we wouldn't have a chance to win without you. You were so good!! And I wished I knew how to play better and liked running up and down the court... anyway, you were always so nice to everyone, I wish we could have gotten to know each other better.

Emma said...

I remember when you moved into our Wymount ward pregnant with Dallin. I thought you were crazy to have kids so close together. I have since realized that just because I wouldn't do it that way doesn't mean others can't, or shouldn't. And some people don't have a choice in the matter.

I also remember when Jared was playing Intramural softball with the ward, and he was mad that the first baseman caught the line drive he hit. Then we realized the guy broke his finger catching that ball. Jared had hit it pretty hard.

Alicia said...

This is a fun idea! One of my memories that I really miss is when your family would come over in the evenings. I loved just lauging and visiting about anything and eating fun treats. I really miss having such entertaining friends. It was fun to have last min. gatherings. Plus, your kids were so nice to ours. We also loved Jared's funny remarks. He was always in the mood to joke around. Hope you are doing well.

PerryParty3 said...

Christian! You have such beautiful kids! I LOVE the red hair too! Argentina eh? Wow, you guys are brave. I thought moving to the North West was a culture shock. Looks like you are having lots of experiences!

Memory...I just remember getting to ride in your blue mustang from seminary to school. I thought I was hot stuff...AND I was a freshman and you were a Senior! It doesn't get better than that! You were always super nice too! :)

Mother 25 - 8 said...

You were one of my favorites at Wymount, looked to you for a lot of "inspiration" so I've got lots of memories. The one that makes me laugh was when Jared gave you a "buddy tap" on your behind at softball. The look on your face was awesome.

Cristina said...

I have so many good memories because you have been such a great friend but the one I won't forget is when I was having a bad day and you knew about it and you came over, late at night after putting your kids to bed, and took me to Braum's for some ice cream. That was very nice of you.

Elizabeth said...

I remember a youth activity at your mom's house. We did some type of group games in the daycare room and it was a blast. After that, I always linked you to Jared. Fun times.

Annalisa said...

i remember many conversations at wymount in the sandbox while dallin and lincoln played on the swings and in the sand. and geoff & jared would always talk about guns and computers and video games. and i remember when i was about to have lincoln and you saw me doing laundry, you helped me up the stairs with a few loads and tried to warn me(he was born the following day). smiles!!

Angela said...

Hi! Well, I remember being in class together with you in high school. I think we were in the same English senior year? Anyway, I just remember you being so smart and athletic. We didn't know each other well, but I thought you were very sweet.

Then it was cool to get together and catch up with each other before you guys moved out of the country!

Anonymous said...

When you got back from your mission I thought Id be so smart and show off some of my French. I asked if you were hungry, you replied yes and asked if I was also. I dont know what the translation would have been of what I said back but it certainly was not anything pertaining to the conversation.

Our buddies